Tyre Repair – When to repair your puncture, and when not to
Should you repair or replace your punctured tyre? Here’s some advice, and all you need to know about tyre repair.
For Australian Car & Performance Enthusiasts
Should you repair or replace your punctured tyre? Here’s some advice, and all you need to know about tyre repair.
I saved $352 on tyres writing this guide. If you want to know how much is tyre fitting, and how much is the tyre itself, then this how to will save you $$$s!
What size tyre for an 8 inch rim? Whatever width your rim is, this table will tell you minimum, maximum, and ideal tyre widths.
How long does it take to change a tyre? We’ll look at how long it takes to change a wheel (i.e. to a spare) or to change the tyre itself, and what steps you’ll need to take.
Your tyre fitter may recommend rotating tyres every 5000km, but is this cost effective or even necessary? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.
What’s the correct spelling for us Aussie folk? Tire or Tyre, and why?